الناس افضل بداية تعلم القراءة بهذه اللغة. ولن يمر وقت طويل قبل انت اجبرت على تعلم تلك اللغة. انك تضطرين لقبول الاسلام دين لكم. ولعلكم ان تتعلم الكلام ، والقراءة والكتابة العربية. اذا كنت لا تكونوا اخرجت كفرا. الأمر بهذه البساطه. الفاشي هو ايديولوجيا الاسلام ليس دين. وهي عازمه على قهر شعوب العالم تحت سيادة نموذج واحد. اذا ما يسمى قادة الولايات المتحدة لا بالبعض الى رشدها قريبا بلدنا سيكون محكوما هذا المصير. الوباء تطلق على نفسها الصواب السياسي قد اتخذ اجراء garrote على العديد من مواطني الولايات المتحدة. وقد تلقينهم ببطء على مدى ثلاثين عاما من هذا الشرط البشعه ، وليس لديهم فكرة انهم قد اختطفوا على يد هذا الداء. الان اعتقد انها جيدة وسيئة سيئة حسنة. وهم في حالة ميكانيكيه السلوكي ، وتخضع لسلطة اي شخص من المفترض. ليس لديهم العقل او ارادة دولته. سياسيا صحيحا المثل فما الذي يمنعنا من تدمير اعداؤنا الى الابد. بلادنا الموبوءه مع اناس قد تتحول الى اشتراكي صحة المعتقدات السياسية. هذا الكم الهائل من البشر تصرخ ضد بلدنا تورطه في الحرب ضد العراق ، وهم بالطبع نتجاهل حقيقة انه اذا كنا يفر ونفد العراق ، فإننا لن نقبل يصل الى أكثر الوضع الرهيب. الاسلام لن يتراجع عن الانظار. انهم يعتدون علينا بمزيد من الاعمال الارهابيه الشنيعه مما يمكن تصوره ، وانها لن توقف اعمالها حتى نشعر تحها أو أنهم موتى.
من دون
People better start learning to read in this language. It won't be long before you are forced to learn it. You will have to accept Islam as your religion. You will have to learn to speak, read and write Arabic. If you don't, you will be taken out as infidels. It's that simple. Fascist Islam is an ideology not a religion. It is bent on conquering the people of the world under one prototype of rule. If the so called leaders of the United States don't come to their senses soon our country will be condemned to this fate.
The pestilence that calls itself political correctness has taken a garrote hold on many U.S. citizens. They have been indoctrinated slowly over the past thirty years by this doctrine, and they have no idea that they have been abducted by this malady. They are in a mechanical state of behavior, and are subordinate to anyone of supposed authority. They have no mind or will of their own. It's like thousands of Manchurian Candidates have invaded our country. I harp on PC often, because I believe it has taken us to the low depths of socialism.
Politically correct ideals are what keeps us from destroying our enemies once and for all. Our country is infested with people who have been converted to socialistic beliefs by political correctness. This mass of humanity cries out against our country's involvement in the Iraqi War, and they are obviously oblivious to the fact that if we turn tail and run out of Iraq, we will open ourselves up to a much more horrific situation. Islam is not going to recede from view. If they see that we run with our tails between our legs that will tell them that we are weak and give them more resolve to attack us, and they will not halt their actions until we are conquered or they are dead.
I'm writing this because I am frustrated and mad at our countries so called leaders. The President's idea of sending unarmed National Guardsmen to the Mexican border was and still is, absolute idiocy. I wish someone would explain to me what the hell good are they doing down there? George Bush isn't doing anything about securing the borders and neither is the new Congress. They don't want the borders closed, and I explained that in an earlier blog.
We are the government. We the people of this country are the government. Not those pompous socialists in Washington that don't care about anything but themselves. Everyone of them, and I mean everyone of them should be fired outright. Forget about voting them out. They should just be fired and replaced by people that truly care about our country.
Maybe it's just me, but common sense tells me, that when you have terrorist all over the world that want to KILL AMERICANS, and aliens from other countries that steal our identities and our SOCIAL SECURITY numbers, sneaking across our borders, you do something about securing the borders NOW. You also deport the ones that are here. Does the government do those things? No! ! Meanwhile the aliens keep pouring into this country like water through a sieve. Just think of all the radical Muslims that are here right this minute in their little Cells scattered across our nation plotting against us, because we didn't close the borders. If we had had the foresight after the 1st World Trade Center bombing in 1993 and secured our borders then, perhaps the events of 9/11/2001 would not have happened, and the World Trade Center would still be standing. It's to late now. They are here, and sooner or later, they are going to hit us and make the WTC look like a kid's birthday party.
Friday, October 5, 2007
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